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Funniest Movies Ever

Naomi Sarah
This story covers the funniest movies ever made, to tickle your funny bone and get you rolling with laughter. From the old to the new, we cover all time classics and current favorites of comedic cinema...
Laughter is the best medicine, and truly enough it is. It has been known to lift one's spirits, improve health and of course give you something to laugh your heart out at. There was a time when Charlie Chaplin's silent black and white movies were a hit, Laurel and Hardy were America's favorite odd twosome and The Three Stooges were the classic comedic trio.
We remember them as the first to come around to give us a good laugh, even if it meant senseless acts to trigger a good chuckle. Here you'll find some of the funniest movies ever made, that you'll want to stack up on in your movie collection.

Throw Momma From the Train (1987)

Starring Danny Devito and Billy Crystal, this movie is based on how Owen (Danny Devito), wants to become an acclaimed writer. He looks for approval from his professor Larry (Billy Crystal), who has issues of his own with an ex-wife stealing his past work, and turning it into a novel. The movie takes on a dark edge but has a ton of comedic moments, with a twist at the end.

Groundhog Day (1993)

Bill Murray finds himself in this classic comedy, as a narcissist who's subjected to wake up every morning on Groundhog Day to relive the same day all over again, everyday. The day keeps repeating itself, with the same sequence of events, making him change the events of the same day every single time..
When he finally turns his life around and becomes a changed man, he finally moves forward from then. Filled with moments of sarcastic humor, Bill Murray is the perfect choice to play the role of reporter Phil Connors.

Mafia! Aka Jane Austen's Mafia! (1998)

It has a mesh of spoofs put together from 'The Godfather' to 'Casino', 'Goodfellas' and even 'Forrest Gump'. A mafia comedy at its best, it showcases different mafia groups coming together and eliminating other members of the same, causing an uproar to find out who's responsible.
It even has a little part with a boy playing the role of 'Chucky', the spirit possessed doll. Jay Mohr plays the role of Tony, the son of a prominent Mafia don, Vincenzo Armani Windbreaker Cortino. The movie has flashbacks and present scenarios all highlighting mafia-like settings.

Scary Movie 1, 2, 3 and 4

Based on spoofs from 'The Ring' to 'Sixth Sense' to 'The Haunting', 'War of the Worlds' and of course the 'Scream' series; scary movie has been a successful mix of these films, adding humor and incorporating real life actor-actress lookalikes. It may seem random, but it follows an odd storyline, ultimately revolving around its spoof-y comedic core.

Harold and Kumar 1, 2 and 3

A movie that has been able to capture comedy in a more funnier setting from one sequel to the next, has to be Harold and Kumar. John Cho (Harold) and Kal Penn (Kumar), two stoners who seem to always bump into some kind of trouble, manage to get away and still stay funny throughout the movie. It's the kind of movie set anyone would love to own.
Funny movies come and go, but it's the audience that remembers each film, plot, and of course the comedic script. Here's looking into the rest of the top 10 funniest movies.
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)
  • There's Something About Mary
  • Toy Story 3 (Animated)
  • It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963)
  • The Party (1968)

Must Watch Comedic Movies

Here is more on the funniest movies of all time, if you haven't had a chance to check them all out yet, make sure you note them down on your movies-to-watch list.
  • Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny
  • Ace Ventura (When Nature Calls)
  • Cable Guy
  • Home Alone 1 & 2
  • The Truman Show
  • Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  • Nutty Professor 1 & 2
  • Shallow Hal
  • Nacho Libre
  • Mrs. Doubtfire
  • Toy Story 1 & 2
  • Austin Powers Movie Set
  • My Fair Lady
  • Mr. Deeds
  • Get Him to the Greek
  • Madagascar - Escape to Africa (Animated)
  • 40 Year Old Virgin
  • Blades of Glory
  • Couples Retreat
  • Step Brothers
  • Funny People
  • The Wedding Singer
  • The Wizard of Oz
  • Alice in Wonderland (Animated old classic)
Check out the funniest movies ever made and have a good laugh with family or friends. It's a nice way of letting loose, not to mention a good stress buster. Have fun!