Submit a Guest Post

Submit a Guest Post
Submit guest posts in the new content format of visually engaging and quick-loading stories. Sign up with us.
Bored of the old ways to blog? Looking for a new way to boost user engagement? Then guest blog with us. We accept guest posts in the brand new content format of AMP Stories.

Powered by Google's AMP technology, these stories are fast-loading, visually appealing, mobile-focused, search engine-friendly and user-first. They have crisp content and rich images, due to which the users are not overloaded with information, and thus find these Visual Stories fun to browse. If you wish to attract more users to your content, become a contributor and start creating AMP stories, here.

So what if you are a beginner? Even you can write stories. One easy way is to create an album of famous people in the entertainment industry and submit it as a story. If you are a professional writer, you can start an entertainment blog for free, where each of your posts will be a visual story. And if you are a content marketer, creating promotional content in the AMP stories format should be a part of your marketing strategy.