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Best TV Show Quotes
Sameer Shinde
“I don't have dreams, I have goals. Now, it's on to the next one.”
- Harvey Specter, Suits
“If you believe in yourself for once, just once, great things are gonna happen for you.”
- Leonard Peabody, The Umbrella Academy
“You can’t live for other people. You have to be true to yourself.”
- Larry Trainor, Doom Patrol
“Anyone can learn how to say words, but so few ever master the art of communication.”
- Lincoln Potter, Mayans M.C.
“It doesn’t take strength to hate someone. It takes strength to forgive them.”
- Glow, The Gifted
“It’s easier to make good choices when you surround yourself with good people.”
- Rich Dotcom, Blindspot
“You cannot undo your past. You can only learn from it.”
- Talus, Knightfall
“If the world is full of monsters, the only way to defeat them is to become one yourself.”
- Bane, Gotham
“You can’t change the world, but you can change yourself.”
- Tony Johnson, After Life
"This is just a moment in time. Step aside and let it happen."
- Brett Matthews, Firefly
“We have to learn about love before we can learn about hate. Otherwise, everything goes to hell.”
- Oliver Bird, Legion
“Wear the dress. Pull the strings.”
- June Osborne, The Handmaid's Tale